Well...yesterday I craved a honey bun. Really bad. I know it was only day two, but when you're so used to just eating whatever you wanted whenever you wanted, it gets hard. So suffice it to say, I cheated last night, and had a McFlurry and two apple pies from McDonalds. It was super sweet, and super good.
However! Just because it was good doesn't mean I'm giving up. So here's the plan. I went one whole day Paleo (or close to it...I still don't 100% understand it yet) and then cheated. So, I am now going to go two whole days, cheat, then three whole days, cheat, four, cheat, five, you get the picture. That doesn't mean I 'have' to take those cheat days either. Maybe just having the 'option' will mentally stave off those cravings, and I won't cheat at all. We'll see.
Today's food:
Breakfast: Two eggs, three slices bacon, and cheddar cheese on top.
Morning and Afternoon snack: 1/4 cup each of peanuts and almonds together.
Lunch: Four cups leafy romaine salad with chedder cheese and ranch, also a boneless skinless chicken breast wrapped in bacon with garlic creamcheese inside it.
Dinner: Not sure yet.
Today's work out: These excersises will be done immediately after the one preceeding it.
50 pushups
12 pullups
50 air squats
12 shoulder press pushups
90 second plank hold
45 second plank hold on the side; both sides
^^^Same as above. So basically two cycles of this regimine, but a brief 2-3 minute rest in the middle. Afterwards, a VERY slow 30+ minutes on the recombent bike. Hardly any resistence at all. Just watching a movie/tv show/reading a book/who knows yet.
Sleep: 7:30 again. Although today I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to go. Is that because of the sweet stuff last night? I hope not...but if it is...I'll have to re-train my body to get over it and accept using fat as a fuel source. I'll get there.
Mid-Day edit. It's 1:00pm and I have got to say I've got some crazy amounts of energy. I'm flippin through work with a smile and not letting any of the knuckleheads get in the way (and at this place...you have to dip and dodge to avoid 'em.) No matter...today is a good day, and I look foward to my work out later.
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